Caring For Your New Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting journey filled with cuddles, playtime, and unforgettable moments.

As you embark on this new adventure, it's important to ensure that the transition for your furry friend is as smooth as possible.

This section of our website is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive guidance on puppy care, from nutrition and training to health and socialization. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to foster a nurturing environment that supports your puppy's growth and well-being.

Whether you're a first-time pet owner or a seasoned canine enthusiast, you'll find valuable insights and tips to help your puppy thrive in their new home. Let's create a loving and welcoming space for your new companion together.

Not Essential But Extremely Helpful Items
* Indoor Puppy Pen
* An outside dog house ( if pup to be outside during day whilst at work
* Dog Rocks- Eleminates urine lawn burns

Essential Items You Will Need Check list

Essential Items Approx Cost
2 x Large Heavy Based Bowls- 1 for Water & 1 for kibble $10- $15 each
I Light weight food bowl- stainless steel is good for ease of cleaning N.B Doesnt have to be specifically purchaed from pet store cheaper to purchase from kitchen section in Kmart $5 -$10
Pet Bed- small fluffy cosy bed initially, up size o a bigger bed llater. N>B Kmar sells cheap beds $20 and Up
A Cheap Soft Blanket- Kmart sells cheap small soft blankets in manchester section $3 kmart
Puppy Toilet Training Pads ( i suggest buying a couple of Packets) $20 for 100 kmart
Assortment of Hard and Soft Toys $15
Chew sticks, pigs ears ect- purchase from a pet supplier $2.5 each
Walking Harness with lead + a collar $15 +
Decent sized bag of Puppy kibble ( cheapest from a pet produce supplier such as hubble barn $56 for 20 kg
raw puppy mince, raw chicken wings $7.50kg mince $2.50kg chicken
Wormer - I recomend getting the 3 in 1 -worms, heart worm & fleas 1 dose lasts up to 3 months $45 for 3 months

1. Before Bringing Your Puppy Home- 


Before bringing your puppy home there are a few pre preparations to be done and situations that need to be considered and adjustments made. By taking the time to pre plan now will help ensure a smooth transition 

.     Is Your House & Yard Puppy Safe?

Preparing your home for a new puppy is an exciting and important task that ensures the safety and comfort of your furry friend. Before bringing a puppy home, it's essential to puppy-proof both the house and yard to create a secure environment.

  1. Start by securing all electrical cords and outlets, as puppies are known to chew on anything they can find.
  2. Keep all hazardous substances, such as cleaning products and medications, out of reach. It's also crucial to remove or secure small objects that could be swallowed.
  3. In the yard, check that fences are intact with no gaps or loose panels where a puppy might escape
  4. . Remove any toxic plants and ensure that garden chemicals are stored safely away.
  5. Setting up a designated puppy area can help manage your new pet's outdoor activities.
  6. Additionally, consider investing in a crate for safe indoor confinement when you can't supervise your puppy directly.
  7. Remember to remove any items that could be harmful if chewed or ingested, such as shoes, children's toys, and small household items.
  8. Install gates or barriers Or get a puppy pen to restrict access to certain areas of the house, and cover any sharp edges or corners to prevent injury. It's also a good idea to create a comfortable and inviting space for your puppy with their bed, toys, and water bowl.

By taking these steps to puppy-proof your home and yard, you'll provide a safe and welcoming space for your new companion to explore and grow..

With proper preparation, you can look forward to many joyful moments with your new puppy in a safe and puppy-friendly home.

DISCLOSER: i am not affiliated with the Companies that I recommend or provide links to pages from my site. I do not receive any kind of payment or commissions. I provide links for the benefits of my readers 

 2    going to work

Tips for managing work with a new puppy

Caring for a new puppy while managing a full-time job can be challenging, but with the right approach, it's entirely possible to ensure your furry friend is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. First and foremost, creating a safe and comfortable environment for your puppy is crucial. This includes a cozy sleeping area, access to fresh water, and plenty of toys to keep them entertained. It's also important to establish a consistent routine for feeding, potty breaks, and exercise. Puppies thrive on routine, and this will help them adjust to the times when you're not at home.

1. Diet requirements

Since puppies require frequent meals, consider an automatic feeder that can provide meals at scheduled times.. Or leave a bowl of dry food for the puppy to snack on. 

  • Feed puppy raw mince for breakfast before you leave
  • Leave a Bowl of kibble or set Automatic feeder
  • Leave A chicken wing or Lamb flap /beef brisket
  • Ensure access to plenty of water.. In a Solid based dish otherwise puppy likely to tip over water bowl and have nothing left to drink for they day
  • Feed Puppy raw mince for dinner as soon as you get home and remove access to food and water afer 8pm o avoid night time accidents

Why Raw Meat Is Best

There are so many myths around feeding raw food and organisations such as RSPCA are against it.. Which is a position i along with alot of others 100% disagree with.  If raw food is best why do they say its not? Why do they promote feeding your pets mass produced commercial pet food which is highly processed and full of preseriives and additives? why hey would be against feeding your pet a natural diet free from all he additives and preservatives found in mass produced commercial dog food.? Maybe just maybe these companies provide funding and finacial assistance to these organisation's? Its possible but i dont know. What I do know is the results from feeding a raw diet compared to  feeding commercially produced dog food is undeniable the difference it makes is enormous. Try it for yourself. You be the judge. within a week your dog will do smaller firmer less smelly stools (which in itself proves more compatible with digestive system). For more information on the health benefits of feeding your dog a Natural raw meat diet click the following Link




2. Providing A Safe Environment

The first week is the most challenging especially if it is the only dog. If you intend to leave your puppy outside with another dog the process is much easier..if not the following suggestions may be helpful



Puppies confined to crates or locked in a Laundry have a tendency to cry loudly for extended periods which can cause issues with neighbours forced to listen to a puppy who is clearly in destress..


This is also not ideal as the puppy is not potty trained and allowing unsupervised access to the home will hinder potty training efforts as it sends mixed signals, through iinconsistency The cause of confusion being able to go to toilet where ever freely with no correction for half the day with the second half of the day being corrected for it



  •  Giving Acess To Both inside and outside is if possible the best option.. such as A laundry with a back door to yard access that can be left open whilst internal access to the the house is closed off provides the puppy with a safe and secure area to sleep, protection against severe weather whilst also allowing the opportunity to venture out and explore the yard. Installing a Puppy door is also a fantastic option


  • If the puppy is to be out in the yard all day providing a safe and secure sleeping area is essential A dog house or crate is perfect.. N.B. In the beginning puppies will feel very vunerable outside by themselves which is why providing a small enclosed area that they can retreat to is of the upmost importance

3. General Suggestions

  •   arrange for a trusted neighbor, friend, or professional dog walker to visit during the day. 
  • Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys can keep your puppy engaged and prevent boredom.
  • Training sessions using positive reinforcement can be conducted in the mornings or evenings when you're home, promoting good behavior and strengthening your bond with your puppy.
  •  setting up a camera can allow you to check in on your puppy throughout the day, giving you peace of mind and the ability to monitor their behavior.

With these strategies in place, you can balance the demands of work and puppy parenthood successfully. Remember, the key is preparation, patience, and a lot of love. Your efforts will be rewarded with the joy and companionship that a well-cared-for puppy brings into your life. For more detailed guidance and tips, there are resources available online that can help you navigate the challenges of raising a puppy while working full-time.